Aquarius May 2014 Horoscope prediction:
Capricorn, the cautious indication, has its hooves all over May. So does Taurus, the indication that symbolizes your house and residence industry. Capricorn is essential because Pluto in that indication is contrasting with your leader Uranus and because Saturn, Capricorn’s planetary associate, is seated at the top of your solar graph. Taurus is essential because all types of planet's are in it this 1 month, such as Mars, and there happens to be solar surpass in Taurus on the 9th. In addition, there's a lot of power in Gemini, which is usually a excellent power for your indication, and a lunar surpass in Sagittarius on the Twenty fifth. A lot going on.
The solar surpass apparently symbolizes something new on the residence front side or perhaps an financial commitment in some new residence or a essential ownership. For example, with all the power in Gemini (sign of transportation) and Taurus, you might end up getting a new car in May or July, even if you do not officially need one. The indication of Taurus also symbolizes your personal lifestyle and the surpass may indicate that you need more personal time at house nowadays.
The lunar surpass in Sagittarius hypothetically symbolizes some kind of revenues, most likely in your relationships. Some of you might discover that a loving associate changes a buddy as a main resource of company. Another probability with a lunar surpass like this is that you will let go of some perception or even a spiritual concept or scruple, because Sagittarius is the indication of values and of spiritual text messages and organizations.
The Capricorn/Saturn/Pluto power, however, has to do with keeping some type of pressure or holding some type of fill. This could quickly be at perform or in your profession, but it could also, quite seriously, be in any position of your lifestyle. That is partially because this difficult power is contrasting with your sign’s leader, Uranus. Uranus is in your interaction industry, officially, but the power nowadays is so twisted that it could become popular all over the position.
For example, Capricorn/Saturn/Pluto are efforts of reducing weight, reducing bodyweight, being regimented and organized and rule-bound. These efforts could issue with energetic Uranus in Aries by highly motivating you (almost pushing you) to try to shed bodyweight, cut your calorie consumption, be regimented about consuming or training and not being energetic about your diet. Those could be very excellent stuff, but they are, of course, complicated for anyone, but especially for someone whose leader does not want to negotiate down and be the least bit regimented about anything.
Or you may have to be very accountable on the job when you would rather be sluggish and comfortable. Or very accountable with your financial situation when you would rather invest cash. Or you could have to perform and perform when you would rather journey and evade. Or your contribution in a team may have to come to an end even though you do not want it to actually. Problems of solitude may occur. Your personal trust might issue with the existing atmosphere in your atmosphere. All types of opportunities.
However you piece it, May is likely to be an essential 1 month because it features the continuous (for a number of years) astrology stress between your house lifestyle and your community or profession lifestyle. Keep in mind that you need to provide a while to both.